Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Don't hang your paint brush. Don't.

When you think the world has been changing so fast you have been overtaken by change itself, waylaid along the path, hold on, for just a single piece - finished or not - could make the difference.
Dr Abe V Rotor

Spent palette board and worn out paint brushes. 
Painting tools of the author  2020

When you think you are done with art, and here you are surrounded by beautiful scenes of nature - migrating birds in the blue sky, a school of fish in a crystal clear lake, trees towering in the distance and above your head swaying with the breeze, flowering plants at your finger touch, don't hang your paint brush, don't; 

When you think you have no more time for a break, much more to go on with your artistic hobby and leisure, because you are preoccupied with more serious matters pertaining to work and obligation to family and community, and feeling that these are of utmost priority in your life - no,  don't hang your paint brush, don't; 

When you think your conventional style is outdated, and not accepting current movements such as surrealism, fauvism and avant-garde, you feel these as affront to classicism, romanticism, impressionism, and realism which have guided the evolution of art to its period of glory -  even then, don't hang your paint brush, don't;

When you think you have grown too old to explore new subjects, to experiment, 
to participate in exhibitions and competition, relegating to the younger generations such events, and believing you are no longer on the front line of radical change but would rather be a spectator - no, don't hang your paint brush, don't; 

When you think you have failed as an artist, unable to make a fortune out of your artworks, and blaming yourself for sacrificing the welfare of your family - and yourself - financially, and regretting you have wasted the best of your years in life,  and missed out better opportunities - no,don't hang your paint brush, don't; 

When you think you have failed to gain honor and fame from your work, comparing yourself with your colleagues in other fields of endeavor, their achievements well known and respected, while yours are but renditions of your own beliefs and values,  remember Luna, Picasso, Van Gogh et al no,don't hang your paint brush, don't; 

When you think the world has been changing so fast you have been overtaken by change itself, waylaid along the path, hold on, for just a single piece - finished or not - could make the difference, perhaps to stand as epitome of not only your  lifetime achievement, but your immortality, sodon't hang your paint brush, don't; ~

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