Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The art of dressing fresh pineapple

The art of dressing fresh pineapple 

Don't settle for piña in can. Get the fresh fruit instead and do the preparations yourself. It is actually fun with the family. There is no substitute to fresh fruits. And you can make preserves, too. And superb natural vinegar. You can even plant the top in your garden and raise a hill or two of this most popular tropical fruit - the only edible member of the Bromeliad family.

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Choose the best piña available in your local market, or direct from the farm, and follow the procedure shown in these photographs.

Peeling the fruit after its has been washed, its top and
bottom trimmed. It takes some practice to do it well.

Artistic touch in skinning piña fruit. Can you associate
it with an occasion, a queer creature - or simply a decor?

Piña eye remover makes work easy and clean.
Note spiral orientation. It's a local invention made
of aluminum tube.

Cut in radial symmetry and serve

The fruit is sliced lengthwise and cut into chunks.
Or it may be served directly on the table - sliced
crosswise, too

Piña chunks cooked with cane syrup as natural
preservative. Note: Black-eye is a result of over
maturity in the field, or effect of drought. The
best fruit is usually served fresh - no blemishes.

Piña preserve is a lucrative cottage industry.
You can also make piña jam, glaze and jelly. Why 

not try dessicated piña, and powdered piña ?

Peelings, eyes, pith - all go into vinegar making.
In six months you have piña natural vinegar.

Were you able to follow the above procedure? Tell us more about this favorite fruit to enrich this article. Our viewers will be very grateful indeed. ~

 Del Monte Pineapple plantation, Bukidnon (Internet)
Flowering stage of pineapple (Internet) 
Ornamental pineapple (Internet)

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