Saturday, June 13, 2020

Nineteenth Century Engine - Prime Mover of the Early Rice Mills

In grateful memory of the donor, the late Mr Bonifacio Tambot, to the Grains Museum at the National Food Authority Regional Office, Cabanatuan City. 
Dr Abe V Rotor

Author inspects artifact - a single cylinder engine which revolutionized the grain industry.
Courtesy of the late Mr. Bonifacio Tambot, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan

This prototype prime mover powered the rice mills in the country during the Commonwealth era. It runs practically the whole day during the peak harvest season with brief rest for maintenance. It is water cooled, a large overhead tank dissipates heat from the engine. One brand, India's Kirloskar, which runs on the same principle - and is very much downsized - still powers today many kiskisan rice mills which have slightly changed for over a century.

This rare collection can be seen at the newly re-opened Grains Museum of the Food Authority in Cabanatuan City, NE.~

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