Friday, May 29, 2020

Ten things to see under a microscope

Ten things to see under a microscope 
(Basic Microscopy for Kids)   
 Dr Abe V Rotor 
 Living with Nature - School on Blog 

Summer Workshop for kids conducted by the author. Lagro QC 2013]

You can't see what is inside a mega mall, 
     but things for granted and so small;  

You can't see a movie or a telenobela,
     but the living world of minutiae;

You can't see Superman and Godzilla,
     but their minuscule Vorticella;

You can't see the beginning and end of time,
    but in between, a moment divine.

You can't see where all the wealth and money 
     come from, but a nobler story. 

You can't see the winning number of a game,
     but a narrow path to fame.

You can't see the source of love and devotion,
     but the beginning of true union.

You can't see Pasteur, Koch and Fleming,
     but their little disciple striving.    

You can't see miracles and great missions,
     but their humble manifestations. 

You can't see God as you would at the Sistine,  
     but His image in every thing. ~   

Oxygen bubbles cling on filamentous green alga, by-product of photosynthesis.  Oxygen is either dissolved in water for fish, or released into the air for land animals, including man. Chlorophyll (green pigment of plants, algae and some monerans like BGA) catches the light energy of the sun, and with CO2, produces food and oxygen which are important to life.  This process is known as photosynthesis.  

 Yeast cells actively divide in sugar substrate in fermentation resulting in the production of ethanol or wine, and CO2 as byproduct. When used in baking, the CO2 is trapped in the dough and causes it to rise and form leavened bread. Yeast (Saccharomyces) reproduces rapidly by vegetative means - budding.  Note newly formed buds, and young buds still clinging on mother cells. 

 Protozoans are agents of decomposition, and live on organic debris.  In the process they convert it into detritus or organic matter and ultimately to its elemental composition which the next generation of plants and other life forms utilize. Protozoans or protists are one-celled organisms, having organelles which function like organs of higher animals. Protozoans live in colonies and in association with other living things as symbionts, commensals, and for the pathogenic forms, parasites.    

Lesson on former  Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738 KHz DZRB AM Band, 8-9 evening class, Monday to Friday

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