Friday, February 21, 2020

Who is afraid of the angry sea?

Who is afraid of the angry sea?
Dr Abe V Rotor

Angry Sea in acrylic by AVRotor (36" x 48") circa 1995
Who's afraid of the angry sea?
“Not I," said the wind blowing hard.
"Not I," said the wave hissing loud.
"Not I," said the rock on the guard. 

Who's afraid of the angry sea?
"Not I," said the fish in school.
"Not I," said the seaweed dancing.
"Not I," said the barrier shoal.

Who’s afraid of the angry sea?
"Not I," said the sail in the sky.  
"Not I," said a bunch of urchins.
"Not I," said the world go by.

Who’s afraid of the angry sea?
"Not I," said the tame to the wild.
"Not I," said the joy of childhood.
"Not I," said the man in the child. ~

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