Thursday, August 29, 2019

Relaxation - A luxury in Our Postmodern Living

           Relaxation - A luxury in Our Postmodern Living
Dr Abe V Rotor 

 In our postmodern living we are moving away from the natural world which guaranteed our success in evolution as a species. Then, rationality brought us out of the biblical Paradise in search of Utopia. We have been travelers searching for this ultimate destination.

Imagine the world of the "lost" - professionals and students, ordinary people notwithstanding. It is a world where
  • Thoughts refuse to close down, even only for respite.
  • Energy drains the whole being, even before starting to work.
  • Sleep never comes on time and is never enough.
  •  Relationships are strained, if not alienated.
  •  Family bond is breaking up.
  • Self worth and respect are falling to a point of depression, or suicide.

 Relaxation is a discipline, a regimen, to
·         switch off your thoughts to release stress before it builds up.
·         conserve energy, budget it well
·         sleep well to obtain full rest.
·         mend relationships, build friendship
·         bond closely with your family.
·         discover your potentials to enhance self worth and respect.

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