Tuesday, July 16, 2019

What to do with Old Tires (101 Uses)

What to do with Old Tires
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog

Decorative and functional uses of old and discarded tires of various kinds, from those of the bicycle to the  tractor, are virtually limitless to the fertile imagination.  These are just an ample presentation from the Internet, which may serve as reference for the enthusiast as well as the entrepreneur.  Other than the aesthetic significance, recycling old tires is good business, and environmentally valuable.  

              The presentation above is based on the result of a classroom exercise 
on  environment. Because the answers are already given - and there are other
 uses applicable in your place or country - you might as well use this exercise 
            to conduct a similar one, preferably with an actual demonstration, workshop style.

Initiate a project in your home and community using these models, better yet your own original design.  Share your experience and work in school and social media. I am including this lesson in a forthcoming worship on human development with emphasis on integrated art. Why don't you organize a similar workshop in your area, perhaps with the kids in the neighborhood? 

Acknowledgement: Internet photos
Reference: The Living with Nature Handbook, AVRotor 2003 UST Publishing House, Manila 

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