Saturday, June 29, 2019

I Love Folk Art Industries

I Love Folk Art Industries 
"Indigenous expression of art,
culture, history, tradition,
preserving the age-old values,
generation after generation." avr

Dr Abe V Rotor 
Living with Nature School on Blog 
Ethnic floral art: Bouquet made of dried leaves, stems and other plant parts.  Mt Makiling, Laguna  
Damili or earthenware: flower pot, feeding trough, fence turret, glazed jar, animal figurine, cooking pot, etc.

Jar making is an ancient art. Jars of different sizes, designs, and functions are found all over the world as early as the Egyptian civilization and ancient Chinese civilization.  It is probably from the latter that jar making in the Philippines was introduced, the technique virtually unchanged to this day. Vigan, Ilocos Sur. 
 Hand crafted feeding trough and mortar and pestle from solid rock. Santa, Ilocos Sur.  

Carabao horn art such as this ethnic wine jug is only for the museum now. 
Bahay Kubo or nipa hut is perhaps the most popular representative of Philippine folk art. It comes is various models and sizes. It is ecologically friendly, and adds quaintness to a garden or rooftop.  The roofing is multi-layered cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica), above, naturally growing on wasteland. Bamboo, bayug variety, medium size, spineless, resilient and has many uses from rope and ties, furniture and construction material.
Bamboo craft: basket, duyan (hammock), chicken nesting basket, baby cradle, head wear,  and the like. 

 Dying folk arts: bamboo raft, and seine or daklis net fishing.  Speed boats and motorized bancas have taken over the role of the raft. Deep sea fishing and trawling have decreased catch of seine fishing which is a community method of fishing. 

Folk Art Industries

Functional for day to day use,
practical and affordable;
materials locally available,
technology transferable.

Daily chores easy and gay
other works too, enjoyable,
maintenance virtually free
depreciation negligible.

Buffer to economic recession,
answer to wastefulness,
alternative to frivolous living
of aesthetic uselessness.

Simplicity in make and design,
It’s people’s art for simple living,
rising above inequity and poverty;
to peace and understanding.

Indigenous expression of art,
culture, history, tradition,
preserving the age-old values,
generation after generation.

Livelihood of the masses
with whole families working,
bonding with the community,
with Mother Nature’s blessing. ~ 

Past lesson on Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday  

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