Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Pianist in an Empty Hall

"Through a glass pane reverberates the music
that slows down busy feet and calms 
weary hearts." 
The Pianist in an Empty Hall 
Dr Abe V Rotor

He is from a different world outside our own; 
our own is noisy but deaf, bright but blind,
his own of Schubert, Chopin, et al filling the room;
ours the throng with cell phone and its kind.  

Classic is timeless but fleeting, fading away,  
old school for archive, tradition for variety;
if we don't change and move on fast enough, sorry;
faithful Old Big Ben chimes aren't here to stay.

But he keeps on playing in an empty hall 
the music postmodern life's no longer a part;
through a glass pane still reverberates the music
that slows down busy feet, calms the weary heart. ~

Accomplished pianist Jen Belar plays in his leisure time classical music on a grand piano.  Photos were taken from the Mall lobby by the authorVertis North QC, March 16, 2019. 

Dr and Mrs Abe and Cecille 
Rotor pose with the virtuoso 
after his superb performance 
at nearby Katherine's Cafe 
where he is head of operations.

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