Wednesday, March 27, 2019

A Celebration of Life in the Golden Years

A Celebration of Life in the Golden Years
What makes a birthday most significant?  A good friend and neighbor, Roger M Marasigan turns 76, gives us the vision of a well-deserved life in the golden years.    
The four pillars of a well-deserved life: the diamond, wisdom, philosophy and values. 
By Abe V Rotor 

Past diamond age, while others aim at the gem,
for Roger the glory is in the stone polished, shining
in the heart, deeper still in the human spirit,
behind dark clouds glows into a silver lining.

Full many a gem, says Thomas Gray, in our world
of purest ray serene, lying deep in the sea,
masked in vanity, a spot hidden in the heart;
but the true gem shines and sets goodness free.

For which he embarks into the final chapter
of life when knowledge distills into wisdom,
enters the realm of philosophy to answer
why to deserve a place in the Kingdom.

Why is the most common question, yet the hardest;
the innocent, the children, ask more whys, than us
grownups ask  when we fail, children ask as they grow,
unceasingly in full confidence and thrust.        

Diamond and Wisdom, Philosophy and Values –
four pillars that inspire man success and victory
to build a temple that enshrines his achievement - 
though it's just a drop in the sea of humanity. ~

Mr Rogelio M Marasigan - manong, tatang, lolo - rolled into one - or simply Roger - turns 76. A modest gathering of family members, relatives, friends and neighbors   at his family residence in Lagro, QC January 21, 2019. golden pillars images

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