Monday, September 24, 2018

Nature's Sweet Lies: Believe it or not. It's a two headed butterfly!

Nature's Sweet Lies
Believe it or not.  
It's a two headed butterfly!

Dr Abe V Rotor

A relative of the Pieris raphae butterfly.  Mt. Makiling Botanical Garden, UPLB, Laguna

Nature's Sweet Lies

Nature, oh your own sweet lies, should I laugh or cry?
Deceit and conceit in the game of offence and defence,
But what honor, what deed, if survival's the ultimate aim?
What is beauty then, where does goodness lie?
Who is the victor, who gets the spoil, if each creature,
is not what it looks but how it is seen?
But it is not mortals who judge, only the One Unseen;
each existence designed by niche of space and time,
by a living chain and ladder, each a link or rung,
a web with all creatures and none is great or small.
~ ~ ~

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