Friday, September 7, 2018

Answers to Test on Fruits and Vegetables (25 Items T/F)

Dr Abe V Rotor
1. There are more cancer cases among meat eaters than vegetable eaters. T

 Exotic dragon fruit from Vietnam, now popular in the Philippines  

2. Hybrids (rice, corn) yields remain the same in the succeeding planting using the same seeds – that’s why they are called hybrids. F

3, Sugarless sugar, like aspartame, have no calorie value, that’s why it is safe to diabetic people. F 

4. Chalky rice is both varietal and agronomic.  It could be both. In the case of the latter, there was too much nitrogen fertilizer applied on the crop. T

5. Japanese rice is the same as California rice and Thai rice and Philippine rice.   F

6. Squash, potato, camote, cucumber are preferred to be served without peeling them, because vitamins and minerals are found mainly in the skin. T

Squash flowers and saluyot, a wild vegetable.  

7. When preparing eggplant and puso ng saging, immerse immediately in water (sometimes with salt or vinegar) to prevent discoloring. T

7. As a general rule, if you are not familiar with the looks of a kind of mushroom and there is no assurance on the label or by authorities, don’t eat it, there is no antidote of mushroom poison.  T

8. Before buying any fruit juice, powdered or ready to drink, read the label.  Be sure it does not contain aspartame or any artificial sugar. T

9. Before buying noodles or both mix, read the label of ingredients – be sure there is no MSG Monosodium Glutamate or vetsin.  T

10. Bihon comes from mungo, sotanghon from rice, pasta from semolina wheat, bread from spring or winter wheat.  F

11. All kinds of bamboo have edible shoot (labong) – parehong lkawayan.  F

12. All bananas produce edible blossom (puso ng saging) F
                                          Banana, most popular fruit; kiwi fruit from New Zealand  

13. Sea vegetables are actually edible sea weeds, and sea weed are not weeds in the true sense.  T

14. There are five groups of vegetables: leafy-flower-stem vegetables, root vegetables, seed vegetables, fruit vegetables, and fruit vegetables.  The fifth is mushroom, seaweeds, algae (Chlorella) and cyanophytes (Spirulina), and the like.  T

15. Camote (Ipomea batatas)  is both leaf and root vegetable; so with singkamas (Pachyrhizus erosus) . F

16. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) and sayote( Sechium edule), are fruit and leafy vegetables. T

17. According to researches, cows milk causes allergy more than any food. In legumes it is peanut, among cereals it is wheat.  T

18. Do not buy potato that is green and sprouting.  It contains a toxin substance known as Solanine.  T   Potato is a relative of the most poisonous plant in the world – tobacco. And the most pungent plant – pepper (capsicin).  In fact you can graft tobacco with potato – also with pepper, and tomato, and eggplant. 

More and more countries are banning genetically modified fruits and vegetables, so with GMO animal products.
20. For thousands and thousands of years, the law of co-evolution organisms became interrelated.  Modern man with science and technology has broken this natural relationship – this is the main reason of ecological imbalance, health and genetic defects – and man’s bleak future as a species.  T

21. One main reason for increasing prices of food and unsteady supply, deterioration quality notwithstanding, is global warming.  T

21.What makes food expensive is the sophisticated culinary art - the aesthetics of food in restaurants and hotels.  Learn the art and trade. Bring it home.  Share with your spouse and children, the kitchen and dining room can be transformed into restaurant or hotel of sort.  T

22. Cloudburst or thunderstorms are beneficial more than destructive.  They bring in the rains for our plants.  F (detrimental, so with acid rain.)

23. Do not buy seeds of plants you are not familiar with; don’t be sold to the beautiful label.  For all we know they are not suitable to local conditions.  T (Consult local farmers or agriculturist)

24. Be austere (austerity), be wise and cautious, trust your senses (not emotion and psyche) when buying anything. Packaging will not improve quality, increase value or guarantee your safety.  T (Don’t be a guinea pig or experimental mouse)

25. The reason for the series of lessons on food, agriculture, home gardening, pesticide-free vegetables and the like on multi-media is to bring into consciousness reality of life that is simple, self-sufficient, healthy and happy – at our finger tips, at our command.  Indeed it is liberation, road to freedom from extreme consumerism which is the precursor of abusive capitalism. F

Locally grown fruits and vegetables display. Pahiyas, Lucban Quezon Festival every May 15,

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