Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Self-Administered Test on Anxiety, Phobia and Depression

Dr Abe V Rotor

26. There is no such thing as mental block in the middle of an examination; it merely shows that you are not really prepared.

27. Anxiety disorder affects million all over the world – not even 25% have any medical treatment. It is steadily rising in all countries where Western influence is getting stronger.

28. Mental illnesses account for 5 of the 10 leading causes of disability in Asia.

29. In Cambodia an estimated 75% of adults who lived through the Khmer Rouge era suffer from extreme stress or post traumatic stress disorder.

30. Highest rates of suicide: Sri Lanka (55 per 100,000); followed by Japan (25.2); S Korea (19); China (17-20); US, Britain, Singapore, India, Thailand, Australia, are among the lowest.

31. Troubled lives in our modern and industrialized world have lead to increased divorced rate in Asia - highest in S Korea, H King, Japan. Singapore and China in decreasing this order.

32. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that severely alters the way a person actually thinks and behaves like hallucinations, delusions, confusion, withdrawal, agitation, emotional numbness – about 100 percent of patient can expect a full and lasting recovery.

33. Fear – any external stimulus from threatening words to a gunshot that the brain interprets as dangerous.

34. Stress – The short-term physiological response produced by both the brain and the body in response to stress.

35. Depression – A sense of apprehension that shares many of the same symptoms as fear but builds more slowly and lingers longer.

36. Anxiety – Prolonged sadness that results in a blunting of emotions and sense of futility; often more serious when accompanied by an anxiety disorder.

37. Panic disorder – This is recurrent, unexpected attacks of acute anxiety, peaking within 10 minutes. One finds himself in a situation such as in a crowded elevator. If extreme anxiety symptoms appear, the person may be suffering of anxiety disorder that needs medical consultation, even if this is occasionally experienced.

38. Specific Phobia – This is characterized by consuming fear of a specific object or situation, often accompanied by mild to extreme anxiety symptoms. It may just be plain hate, or fear, say heights. Behavioral therapy – gradual introduction of the cause, until enough courage is built; and cognitive therapy – re-orientation of perception or behavior, may be needed independently or jointly.

39. Anxiety is inherited, thus children suffering of anxiety are most likely candidates of depression. Some people seem to be born worriers. Some anxiety disorders are known to run in the family. If the genes involved are reinforced by environment, the expression become more distinct.

40. Identical twins are more likely show stronger tendency to suffer from generalized anxiety disorder. However, even one with low genetic vulnerability could develop a fear of something that may even be greater than one with high genetic vulnerability.

41. Many kids outgrow their anxiety disorder to become well-adjusted adults. Anxiety and depression have similar underlying biology. Anxiety may surface early in life and depression later.

42. Anatomy of anxiety as explained to the ordinary citizen goes like this - The senses pick up a threat – a scary sight, a loud noise, a creepy feeling – the information takes two different routes through the brain – but it takes the shortcut – the brains automatically engages an emergency hot line to the fear center – the amygdala

43. Actually yoga, meditation, guided imagery, aromatherapy, massage do not have any therapeutic value to anxiety.

44. Lifestyle changes which include cut back or eliminate the use of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and recreational drugs, are helpful in overcoming anxiety.

45. Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Excessive anxiety or worry for days or months, but does not affect quality of life. Characterized by restlessness, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, irritability, fatigue, muscle tension. Have three or more of these symptoms confirm a person is suffering of GAD.

46. Digestion Shutdown – Brains stops thinking about things that bring pleasure, conserve energy otherwise wasted on digestion, hence vomiting, defecation, urination may occur.

47. Cognitive therapy – Best for phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Panic disorder is to expose patients to a tiny bit of the very thing that causes them anxiety.

48. Behavioral therapy– rethinking, behavior modification through proper advice.

49. Minor tranquilizers – Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft are best known among the antidepressant drugs The newest group is norepinephrine which control emotion and stabilize mood, thus there is no need of doctors’ prescription.

50. The most practical therapy is exercise – talk therapy, simple exercise (at least 30 minutes), brisk walk Exercise releases natural opiates called endorphins.

ANSWERS: 26F, 27T, 28T, 29T, 30F(US and Britain rank among the top), 31T, 32F(50% only), 33F (Stress), 34F (Fear), 35F (Anxiety), 36F (Depression). 37T, 38T, 39T (Nature-Nurture), 40T, 41F, 42T, 43F, 44T, 45T, 46T, 47F (Behavioral Therapy), 48F (Cognitive Therapy), 49F, and 50T

What do you call these phobias?
1. Fear of bathing

2. Heights

3. Open space

4. Crossing the street

5. Riding in a car

6. Walking

7. Fear of flying

8. Men

9. Marriage


11. Growing old

12. Saints and holy things

13. Flowers

ANSWERS: 1. Ablutophobia 2. Acrophobia 3. Acrophobia 4. Agyrophobia or Dromophobia 5.Amaxophobia 6.Ambulophobia 7. Aviophobia 8. Androphobia 9. Gamophobia 10.Ecclesiophobia 11. Gerascophobia 12. Hagiophobia 13. Anthophobia

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