Friday, April 13, 2018

Naturalism: Communicating with Animals

Naturalism: Communicating with Animals
It is an alternative to the computer, reducing our time with too much technology, 
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Do you talk to your pet dog, greet him in the morning or in coming home after work? Cuddle your cat with soothing words, pouring out your feelings, quite often of hidden pain and in the process get relieved.  It is a kind of therapy. How wonderful is life when we are able to communicate with creatures other than our own kind!  Be it a fluttering butterfly in the garden,  a house sparrow perched on a fountain, a herd of goats grazing after the first heavy rain in May. It could be a  fish being attracted while you are bathing in a river. 
A happy disposition, talking to dogs. Agoo, La Union
We are indeed blessed with naturalism, the eighth realm of intelligence.  It is a God given gift to man, primordial to his rationality.  If this is the case, then rationality, like a ganglion, ramifies into a network of nerves, each nerve connected to a living thing. Oneness of creation is key to unity and peace.

Communicating with Nature is a respite from a tensed life, it takes us back to that peace our ancestors enjoyed.  It is an alternative to the computer, reducing our time with too much technology, a  kind of meditation and reflection. For all we know it is re-discovering ourselves on the busy lane of life. ~   
Light moment creates happy ambiance to sow and visitors. Agoo, La Union
Warning is sensed from Kulit, a watchdog. At home QC

Lassie, household dog. At home QC
Swimming instructor - Langoy aso, is a beginner's lesson
Friendly boa - just be sure it has taken a full meal. Malabon Zoo
A welcome gesture from a school of Paco. At home QC
Make believe conversation with a sow bug, Museum of Natural
 History, UPLB Laguna
 A child's make-believe adventure with wildlife on a wall  mural. Author's
 home, QC.

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