Thursday, March 29, 2018

Reflection by the Fountain

Reflection by the Fountain
Dr Abe V Rotor

The Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Manila,
on its quadri-centennial celebration (1611-2011)

It's a clear day, any ordinary day,
it's a Monday or a Friday;
it's time for writing, reading,
memorizing or just dreaming.

It's a place to be under the sun,
to catch the breeze before it's gone;
it's a birthplace of heroes, martyrs,
a place of laughter and tears.

It's time of the young in their hour,
like fruit and seed in their flower;
the old are done with their prime,
the essence of life and time.

And I, I see again myself here
as I had seen year after year,
on this mirror that turns pain
into a great, glorious fountain. ~

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