Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Checklist: Poor Self-image Behavior

"Mirror. mirror on the wall,
who is the fairest of them all?"

                     (From Cinderella 

Dr Abe V Rotor
Our self-image may not be the same as our public image. Rightly so, we are being criticized for our behavior we project and perceived by people.

It is a constant struggle actually. It's not only putting our best foot forward; it is also stepping back to clear our doubts and to amend for our wrongdoings.  And re-set the stage we play our role. Building self-image requires planning, and the principal determinant is our behavior.  

The following behavior traits are evidence that there is room for improvement in our self-image:
  • Negative talk about ourselves 
  • Experiencing guilt.
  • Failure to give compliments
  • Non- acceptance of compliments
  • Not asking for what we want.
  • Starving ourselves of luxuries unnecessarily.
  • Failure to give affection.
  • Inability to receive and enjoy affection 
  • Criticism of others. 
  • Comparison of ourselves with others. 
  • Constant poor health. 
There are no hard rules in this checklist. Post this list in your bedroom next to a mirror as a daily reminder. Remember, "Your beliefs don't make you a better person. Your behavior does." (Anonymous) ~

Reference: ll you wanted to know about happiness, by Vikas Malcani, New Dawn; acknowledgement: Internet image.   

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