Monday, February 5, 2018

The Wonders of Homemade Meatballs ("bola-bola") Dish

The Wonders of Homemade Meatballs ("bola-bola") Dish  
When it's a weekend and for a change, you enjoy culinary art at home with your whole family.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Ask Dahlia the formula:  Ground beef or pork, rice flour, egg, carrot, garlic, black pepper and a dash of salt. Roll into balls.  Ask Gelyn how to make a dish of bola bola soup - it's a complete dish for a whole family - children and adults alike. Don't forget the vegetable.
Bola bola dish goes well with take home food.  It gives the quaint feeling you are at home with the family.

When caught in heavy traffic, tired and hungry, and home from work you are bound;

When it's a weekend and for a change, you enjoy culinary art at home;

When food has become plentiful, but the palate has grown too familiar;

When the weather is inclement and there’s warning sign not to go out;

When you must heed the harmful effects of taking food with MSG or Vetsin;

When you have a garden to supply some of your needs in the kitchen; 

When there's limited time to cook for your guests for lunch and dinner time; 

When there's going to be a party, and you have a say on what menus to serve;

When teaching in school or community about food as key to good health.  

When a poor fellow knocks at the gate, thirsty and hungry.

Reach out  for a bowl of bolabola dish homemade.  It takes a few minutes - and a happy heart - to prepare it. ~

Simple procedure to make meatballs

1. Prepare ground meat (beef or pork, or a combination of the two) and mix it in a large bowl with garlic, eggs, cheese, salt and pepper.

2. Blend into meat mixture bread crumbs or flour, or in combination. Slowly add water 1/2 cup at a time while mixing, until the mixture is very moist but still could hold its shape if rolled into meatballs.

3. Heat cooking oil in a large pan. Fry meatballs in batches.

4. Serve while hot with sauce, or make recipes as shown above.  Refer to other recipes.  Add vegetables like onion leek, celery, Chinese pechay, to augment nutritive value. ~

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