Thursday, January 11, 2018

Ten Most Important people who influenced your life and career: A Survey

Dr Abe V Rotor 

In a survey conducted at the UST graduate school and the Faculty of Arts and Letters, the respondents were asked to list down the names of the ten most important persons  outside of their families and relations who influenced them in attaining their present life condition and career. Here is the result:
Image result for Mother Teresa, now St Teresa photoImage result for Jose Rizal photos
1.     Mother Teresa, now St Teresa (Champion of the poorest among the poor);

2,   Jose Rizal (Greatest Filipino, author of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo)

3.    Andres Bonifacio (Leader of the Philippine Revolution, author of Kartilya)

4.    Ramon Magsaysay (Most loved Philippine president; RM Award in his honor)

5.    John Paul II (Most popular pope; author, On the Threshold of Hope)

6.    Mahatma Gandhi (Man of the Millennium; liberated India from British rule)

7.    Jesus Christ (Symbol of Christianity, biggest religion on earth with 2 billion followers)

8.    Buddha (Teaching of the Buddha, the Enlightened One)

9.    St Paul of Tarsus (Greatest apostle, wrote one-third of the Holy Bible)

10. Albert Einstein (Acclaimed world’s greatest genius in our times, Man of the last century)

11. Efren PeƱaranda (Push cart school teacher, winner CNN Award)

Al Gore, Vice President of the United States, official portrait 1994.jpg
12. Al Gore (Environmentalist, former US Vice President;  author, An Inconvenient Truth)

13. Confucius (Greatest teacher in the Orient, philosopher)

14. Helen Keller (Born blind, author, If I were given Three Days to See)

15. Anne Sullivan (Helen’s teacher)

16. Rhonda Byrne (author, The Secret)

17. Isaac Asimov (Science fiction writer; author, The Limits to Growth)

18. Princess Diana (Her tragic death humbled the aristocracy)

19. Oprah Winfrey (Internationally famous TV show host)

20. “An old man who takes our garbage every day”

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