Saturday, December 2, 2017

Legacy of the late NFA Administrator Jesus T Tanchanco

Legacy of the late NFA Administrator 
Jesus T Tanchanco
Dedicated to the late Jesus T Tanchanco, "Father of the National Food Authority"  (Administrator, National Grains Authority and National Food Authority, 1971-1986) on his birth anniversary today.

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Dr and Mrs Abe V Rotor exchange pleasantries with former NFA administrator Jesus T Tanchanco (right) during the last homecoming of former NGA-NFA employees in 2012.  It was the last meeting of our group with this great man.    

1. Live in the present. Live today. 

2. Forget the mistakes of yesterday. Yesterday has gone forever. 

3. Stop criticizing yourself and stop criticizing others. 

4. Yearn for self-improvement. 

5. Hold on to your self-respect by appraising yourself honestly. 
6. Learn to listen to others. It helps remove bias from your opinion. 

7. If you have a goal, reach for it. 

8. If you make a mistake, try again. 

9. Don't be timid in conversation. 

10. Exercise your imagination creatively to achieve success. 
11. Do one thing at a time. Shoot for one goal at a time.

12. Believe in the Providence not for luck but blessings.

From my old files I found this article designed for framing, so that it can serve as a daily personal reminder. Spontaneously I thought of my boss for fifteen long years, the admirable and respectable Jesus T Tanchanco, former administrator of the National Food Authority under the regime of President Ferdinand E Marcos.  During his time the Philippines became not only self-sufficient in rice and other major agricultural commodities, but a net exporter as well. The Philippines attained the status as exporter of rice in Tanchanco's time like Thailand and Vietnam today.   I realize that the success of a leader - a government official - depends largely on personality which is the embodiment of all qualities of that person.  

Author (center) poses with former NFA Administrator and Mrs Jesus T Tanchanco, ) after the awarding ceremonies. Business Incentive and Development Award (BIDA) on the cottage industry of producing basi wine. Basi can be compared with the world's best.  Basi passed the European
 Standard for Port, Cherry, and Champagne (Food Development Center)

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