Friday, November 24, 2017

Reversibility of Evolution

Providence defied, the whole process reverts to protomassback into nothingness.
Dr Abe V Rotor

                                              Life Primeval in acrylic (12.7" x 24") by AVR 2014

Creation and evolution of Oparin and Darwin, 
the beginning and continuity of life traced;

Lamarck's theory on living architecture 
by law of use and disuse questioned; 

Leeuwenhoek's invisible world revealed, 
a realm of deeper mystery sprang instead; 

E O Wilson's model of sociobiology, 
of instinct and rationality lacked the spirit; 

Einstein’s E=mc2 unleashed the atom’s power 
through the Bomb, Armageddon’s lament. 

Mendel's laws on the continuity of genes, 
precursor of today's genetic engineering;

Providence defied, the whole process reverts 
to protomass, back into nothingness. ~

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