Friday, November 24, 2017

Maintenance of Clothes Cabinet - 12 Ways

Dr Abe V Rotor 

 1. When was the last time you made a general cleaning of your clothes cabinet?

2. Dispose clothes you no longer need.  Keep them in a separate place from those you regularly wear.  Better still, donate them to calamity victims.

Multi-purpose Open cabinet

3. Never keep damp clothes, otherwise you predispose them to molds and pest like silverfish. 

4. Hang used clothes to dry before throwing them into the clothes basket.

5. Never mix used (dirty) and clean clothes.

6. Don't over stack.  Close buttons. Fold clothes properly.

7. Hanger can damage and deform clothes. 

8. Clothes that need repair must be separated.  Avoid using them unless they have been fixed. 

9. Clean cabinet with mild detergent, disinfect, vacuum if necessary. 

10. Check possible entry of insects, rodents and other vermin.  Lock for security reason.     

11. Don't use naphthalene, it is highly poisonous and it imparts an offensive chemical odor.

12. Rotate in wearing your clothes; plan and arrange them according to your need. Practice joint housekeeping when sharing the use of a cabinet. ~

Acknowledgement: Internet Photos

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