Sunday, July 30, 2017

Toy frogs -wonder what they tell us.

Dr Abe V Rotor
 Young peddlers by the church of San Vicente, Ilocos Sur on a Sunday morning. 
Photo by the author.

A world of make believe, giant frogs from fairy land, 
not from the rice field and forest, not from the pond;
what makes them lovely to children, I think I know,
a princess found a frog turned into a prince long ago.  

Bedtime stories fill the imagination, but of what use?

Grimm Brothers, Hans Anderson et al , they amuse
children never getting old, and the old getting young;
life is now and lived but once, wonder what's beyond.

Who'll tell the children the frog is vital link of creation,

water and land, seasons, every living web and union;
one world we all live in, each species linked together,
in a biosphere where man, the rational at the center. ~               

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