Friday, May 26, 2017

Summer Ends, Schoolyear Begins

Dr Abe V Rotor

UST Bennavides Plaza fronting the historic main building, Manila.

Light and heavy feet among petals
Strewn at last summer's end;
Wish it had stayed a little longer,
And school yet at the bend.
The last flowers of the tulip tree,
Confetti into carpet they lay,
Bidding goodbye and welcome, too,
At the break of June from May.
It's the break that makes time fresh,
Just brief for the mind to wander ;
Yet long enough to long for school,
And the heart to grow fonder.

Life's a cycle like seasons each year,
Precise thou it seems in a hurry;
Wonder if everything has time - and lo!
To those who forever tarry. ~

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