Thursday, May 18, 2017

Meditation in Verses: Ebb and Gems

I stand at ebb's receding end
to meditate life's low terms,
to learn the enchantment of life
as I walk on transient sea bed
to know the sea better in its ebb. 

Dr Abe V Rotor 

The crest on the western sky shrunk
into flimsy ball and by dawn sank
with the maiden rays of sunrise
across the horizon in quiet and peace
while birdsongs herald on the east.

To the gods and mystic lunar order,
the shore ceases from unending trouble
and fear that proud men find respite
to look at the sea so endearing
and inviting to the seafaring.

Here the waves lay dead and numb,
like life losing its throbbing desire,
here too, is truth bare and seen, 
the soul within him is known
where love is found and sown.

Here corals reveal ensconced creatures
fry scampers from dainty hands;
man wanders with probe and net
with watchful eye and cunning touch
to caress earth's naked patch.

I stand at ebb's receding end
to meditate life's low terms
to learn the enchantment of life
as I walk on a transient sea bed
to know the sea better at its ebb. 


Dawn wakes on silvery web
over lazy maze of mist 
rising with the rhythm of feet 
of those who fear no defeat.

Spartans they move unknown,
with fires that rage and burn,
in sweet test of age and fear, 
from the good life's sphere. 

While children grope and stare,
a bird chirps behind a wall,
while Pierian waters beam 
ageless as it may seem.

But gems sparkle then die in drops,
like beauty that fades in sight,
or shadows when the light is out,
save silent steps that move about. ~

avr 2-5-79

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