Saturday, April 1, 2017

Serendipity in Art by a Four-year Old

Dr Abe V Rotor

Call it discovery unintended, yet for art sake, 
it’s a new movement in the making;
immiscible mediums interacting into a lake,
flowing, mingling, ever changing. 

But whose art, whose hands the magic lies? 

it can't be that of a master on rush ;
it can't be that of a neophyte’s beginner’s luck,
it's everybody's guess, any one of us. 

Who is the artist then, what's a masterpiece?

it's unknown, obscure sans a signature; 
what's in a name? In a li’l corner, works the artist -
a four-year old girl sweet and pure.   

Mackie 4, author's granddaughter at work.  

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