Monday, March 6, 2017

Only God can make an egg.

Only God can make an egg.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog

Analogously, according to Joyce Kilmer, “Only God can make a tree.”

Once there was a scientist in the like of Frankenstein, the doctor who created a monster in Mary Shelly’s novel in the late 18th century. This scientist wanted to make an artificial egg, but one that possesses all the qualities of a natural egg. With his intensive knowledge in chemistry and biology and engineering he succeeded at last in making one that is complete with albumin (white), yolk (yellow center), and of course a perfect eggshell.

Confident that he was after testing his masterpiece in the laboratory, he then proceeded in having it incubated, placing it in the center of a dozen natural eggs and had a mother hen sit on them. Days passed by and finally sweet sounds came from under the brooding hen. There were twelve beautiful, little chicks. All the eggs hatched except one, the thirteenth – his artificial egg. ~ 

Acknowledgement: Internet photo

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