Thursday, July 21, 2016

Eat fresh fruits, avoid processed ones

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog (
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) 
with Ms Grace Velasco
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 Evening Class, Monday to Friday

Fresh fruits don't lie, but processed ones do, 
camouflaged and promoted by ads;

eat grapes not raisins, whole peanut not paste,
not ketsup but fresh tomatoes.

whole orange, not powdered instant drink,
whole mango, not dessicated or jellied. 

fresh nangka, not preserved, not dried, 
whole guyabano, slice and serve.

guava picked from the tree, firm, aromatic;
sampaloc pods, not jam or sweet.  

Freshness has no substitute, even with all
technologies and advertisements. ~
Rambutan: Press to split the rind, relish the sweet, luscious flesh, spit out the seeds.
Papaya, chilled before serving. Pick by hand or with fork. You may add calamansi. .

Newly picked guava from the tree. - clean and firm.  A little salt is good. 
There is joy and quality guarantee in peeling banana.  .
Kiwi. Cut crosswise or lengthwise, then peel. Or do the reverse. 
Eat the flesh with the seeds.

Pakwan or watermelon. Red or yellow variety, it's your choice. 
Served sliced, or in chilled cubes.

Balimbing is not so popular.  In Thailand, Israel it is a favorite fruit.  
It is eaten whole or sliced with a dash of salt.  

Dragon fruit. Varieties come in white, yellow and red. Split into quarters, separate the pliable rind, and directly eat the flesh including trhe imbedded tiny seeds.

Caimito. Cut crosswise, scoop and the flesh, remove the seeds, and yummy.

Atis. Ripe fruits split along the furrows. press to split and scoop.  Spit out the seeds. 

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