Friday, May 27, 2016

Ideas that are Changing Our World (True or False) - Self-administered Test

 Dr Abe V Rotor

Living with Nature - School on Blog []
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday []

1. Take the back seat cinema, the so-called movies, save your money and ego. A 1001 homegrown producers are in the making in all countries today. In fact Bollywood India makes more than all movies made by Hollywood.

2. And gargantuan corporations that have dominated such small items like Colgate, Gillette,Palmolive, or cartelized coffee, cocoa, shoes, cars, and the like – Beware of the changing wind of change, and the triumphant of Small is Beautiful.
A sub-culture in dumpsites.

3. And to universities and schools - Put up more and larger campuses, multistory-building for classrooms and dormitories to accommodate more and more students as population continues to soar and as knowledge explodes.

4. History tells us time and again that ideas merely influence our thinking as humans, but never will they run the world and keep it spinning; it is money, politics and religion that runs our world.

5. The defining challenge of the 21st century will be to face the reality that humanity shares a common fate on a crowded planet. Nationalism, while it remains as the motivating factor in nationhood, must expand into the realm of regional and international cooperation.

Smog over cities

6. Customer service welcome. Welcome sir, thank you madam. More call centers, more HRM waiters and actresses, bank tellers, nurses. Personalized service is part of red carpet treatment.

7. The key to sustainable development is to make the right choices in our public investments and to find ways to harness, and channel, market forces. That is if we are talking to sustainable development for the whole world – for we cannot enjoy sustainable development while the rest of the world declines.

8. National interests aren’t what they used to be. Our survival requires global solutions. Thus a Filipino works in NASA, China makes good for the US, Germany supplies airplanes in Saudi, oil tankers servile any country irrespective of ideology or distance or political stability as long as the price is right. This is globalization.
HIV-AIDS on the rise globally

9. In 2005 the Kyoto Protocol mandates emission cuts by industrialized countries. Two countries remain indifferent as of today – US and Australia.

10. In 1999 - Human Surge, world pop reached 6 billion, doubling in size in 50 years. But by 2050 stabilization of world population shall then be attained at 8 billion, believed to be manageable under a sustainable development system.

11. In 2000 New resolutions (UN Millennium Development Goals address poverty and education. In 2002 – Health Aid Global Fund established to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. In 2003 – Going green, UN Sec-Gen Kofi Annan calls for Green Revolution in Africa.

12. End of Poverty comes in 2020. Income of all the world’s poorest can be increased comfortably above 1$ per day.

13. In 2030 – Fuel Economy. Plug-in hybrids and new technologies produce 42 km/li cars. By 2040 Zero Emissions. Goal for halting climate change through renewable energy and other steps.

14. The End of Customer Services. With self-serve technology, you’ll never have to see a clerk again. Started in 1902 Automat in Philadelphia – a German idea. In 1916 – A super market Piggy Wiggly, first self-serve grocery store, Memphis.
Changing of the guards and evolution of communism-capitalism ideology

15. 1n 1947 – Self pumped gas in California service stations by George Urich. 1967 Teller Goodbye. Barclays bank worlds first ATMs at London Branch. In 1995 Flying solo. Alaska airplane ticket over the internet for the first time

16. The Post-Movie-Star Era is still around. Get ready for more films in which the leading man is the center of attraction.
Rise of NONES (people who detached themselves from organized religion)
17. In 1910s Stars Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford sold the new medium of cinema around the world. By 1930s Stars shine. Studios ensure stability by signing their A-list actors to long-term contracts. In 1950 Shoot stars. Top talent – John Wayne, Burt Lancaster became their own producers, so with Kirk Douglas.

18. In 1970 Stars fade. All-star vehicles give way to non-star fantasies like Star Wars, ET Jurassic Park. 2000s Lights out. Old style stars rise falling into the black hole of no-name epics and stories.

19. Reverse Radicalism to terrorism? No way start talking to terrorists who stop themselves. Some 170 prisoners currently incarcerated for Jihadi crimes in Indonesia – 24 persuaded to cooperate with police, 151 released after serving time.
Decline of classical and fine arts

20. Ramon Magsaysay, then defense secretary dismantled the Hukbalahap Movement through persuasion and integrated the members into the stream of society. Rebel returnees program of the Philippines.

ANSWERS: 1t, 2t, 3f, 4f, 5t, 6f, 7t, 8t, 9f, 10t, 11t, 12f, 13t, 14t, 15t, 16f, 17t,18t, 19t, 20t

Living with Nature, AV Rotor (UST)

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