Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Live Naturally - Key to Good Health and Longer Life

Live Naturally - Key to Good Health and Longer Life 

There is a growing trend today all over the world - people are getting close to nature: natural food, natural surroundings, natural clothing and many personal belongings. 

Dr Abe V Rotor 
Living with Nature - School on Blog

Get more sunlight. Spend more time outdoor, and in the countryside.

Get enough rest. Pets make a happy company. Alternative
medicine recommends natural healing through pet therapy.

Banana is among the most nutritious foods; it is packed
with minerals and vitamins. It is the most popular fruit
in the world and comes in many varieties, which are
prepared in a dozen-and-one recipes.

Have interesting and creative hobbies - key to successful
growing up and happy living.

Natural food, natural surroundings, natural clothing and many personal belongings. So with natural designs of equipment and tools becoming ergonomically fit, naturalness in expression and methodologies, say in teaching, natural motifs of entertainments and sports like camping and nature trekking. Humanities and the arts are leaning back to realism and naturalism, moving away from extreme abstract forms. 

It seems that people are happier the less they have synthetic and artificial things around them. They are more comfortable with things that assure their well-being. 
  • Aspartame, Monosodium glutamate or MSG, Salitre, bromatessulfites, high salt, food dyes, leaveners, flavors and condiments - which are products of the modern laboratory, no longer find a welcome place in the kitchen and on the dining table.
  • Cotton, abaca, ramie, maguey fibers are back. Use leather shoes and you get rid of allergy. So with rayon undies. Biodegradable plastics and paper bags are replacing conventional plastics and styropore, their use are now a must in many establishments.
  • Virgin coconut oil has replaced millions of dollars worth of commercial cosmetic products. More and more herbal substitutes are coming out.
  • Diet food has taken another path - eat organically grown vegetables and fruits. Move over multi-vitamins - you can get more from natural sources, minerals and vitamins from plants.
  • More and more people go for alternative medicine and environmental medicine, rather than clinical and hospital medicine, except for serious medical ailments.
  • People want to be sure the food they take is free of toxic metals - mercury, lead, cadmium. They go for organically grown food even if they pay for the premium.
  • They ask if the milk they buy contains melamine, or human hormones; corn flakes from Genetically Modified corn (Btcorn carries genes of a soil bacterium), other genetically modified crops and animals, now notoriously dubbed by the media as Frankenfood - after Frankenstein, the maker of a monsters that turned enemy against his creator and the world, written by Mary Shelley two hundred years ago.
The ghost of Frankenstein monster haunts the world today more than it did before. It makes us aware that we could be the next victim. Our best defense is, let's live naturally. So, instead of using chemicals, we use natural materials. Instead of relying on packaged commercial products, we make our own at home.

In Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (school-on-air), my co-host Ms Melly Tenorio would always caution me to translate our lessons to the level of understanding at the grassroots. Melly and I use as barometer the practicability of the lessons, relating them to everyday experiences, and sharing with members of the family and immediate community. Here are some activities we prepared for this topic, Living Naturally - the same lesson we aired recently on 738 KHz AM DZRB and [].

A. Disinfectant, Deodorizers, Cleaners

1. Instead of disinfectant, use borax (1 cup to 1 gal of warm water) or grapefruit seed extract (10%)

2. Instead of fabric softener, use ¼ cup of vinegar added to the rinse water.

3. Instead of furniture polish, use olive oil with 1 tbsp vinegar poured in 1 liter of warm water. Keep in spray bottle.

4. Instead of glass cleaner, use ½ cup vinegar mixed with 1 gal warm water, place in spray bottle.

5. Borax instead of laundry whitener; Baking powder on sponge instead of scouring powder;

6. Hydrogen peroxide as stain remover; borax + vinegar as toilet bowl cleaner.

7. Instead of Naphthalene balls, pound a bungle of tanglad or citronella, as deodorizer and pest repellant.

8. Instead of commercial deodorizers, keep chunks or powdered charcoal in refrigerators amd inside newly painted rooms.

9. Wipe natural vinegar along paths of ants, or where they frequent, instead of applying chemical spray.

10. Whole black pepper in cloth sachet will repel silverfish, mites, ants and cockroaches in closets, book cabinets and inside the piano. Don't use naphthalene or any chemical insecticide,

B. Sick Building Syndrome (Things to be done)

1. Add or widen windows for better and natural ventilation.

2. Install proper air-con and exhaust fans corresponding to space, number people, and nature of work.

3. Avoid blocking the air supply and return vents. Clean them regularly.

4. Clean up water spills and damp places to get rid of molds. Expose under sunlight if possible.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

4. Store food properly; don't eat anything you are not sure of its freshness and quality.

5. Empty the garbage daily. Clean the bins well. Use plastic bag or lining in the bin. It's cleaner and more convenient to dispose your garbage this way.

6. Observe symptoms from gas fumes and foul air as may be experienced by workers,  occupants, and visitors. Check equipment and supplies – they may be the source of irritating odor and fumes.

7. Strictly no smoking allowed. inside and within vicinity. Smoking is a common cause of fire.

8. Divide area into independent units – office, manufacturing, kitchen or storeroom.

9. Report problems to concerned persons/authorities. A leaky faucet may cause flooding, as a leaky gas tank may be the source of fire.

10. Check the surrounding for stagnant water, weedy corners, worn out water pipes, clogged drainage, pile of unwanted materials. Have general repair and cleaning.

Continue listing down other ways by which you can live naturally - and enjoy a happy, healthy and long life. ~

Lesson on former Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid  with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738KHzAM 8-9 evening class Mon to Fri
Lesson March 7, 2012

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