Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Children's Art 1: River Flows to Sea

"Children follow the river as they grow, down the rapids and in every bend, where at last the world opens wide into adventure without end."     

Dr Abe V Rotor 

Acknowledgement: Photos were taken by the author from wall murals at the  Philippine Children's Medical Center, Quezon Ave., QC
A river runs downstream full but gentle,
headstream a waterfall lined with trees,
boats leisurely pass below a hanging bridge,
swaying and creaking in the breeze.    

... and the river flows between houses,
singing the songs of the free;
down the bend to another route,
to meet its mother, the sea.

Children follow the river as they grow,
down the rapids and in every bend,
where at last the world opens wide
into adventure without end.     

Activities (Workshop) 
1. Trace the river in your locality and divide it into sections:
  • upstream
  • dpwnstream
  • road and bridge
  • houses and community
  • field and meadow
  • estuary (where the river meets the sea)
  • open sea  
2. For individual work, use pastel and drawing paper.  Draw the section/s of your choice.  3. For group work (3 to 5 members), make a composite drawing showing all sections of the river. Use illustration board. 
4. Supervision by an art teacher needed.  

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