Monday, November 16, 2015

Beauties of Nature

Ecological paradigm of beauty to save Mother Earth.
Dr Abe V Rotor 
 Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Himpapawid (School on Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 KHz AM 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

Wide areas of coral reefs have been devastated
     by destructive fishing and global warming,
     pollution from cities, farms and factories,
     erosion and siltation, illegal gathering;  
come to the rescue before they're all wasted.
Do you have a Green Thumb?  
     If  you have a vegetable garden:
     Flowering plants for your sala,
     Herbals for practical cure,
     Trees that give fruits and shade,
     Abode of many organisms, 
     Buffer to noise, dust and wind;
     A garden of peace, music and prayer,
     A piece of the Lost Eden regained.
You have indeed a Green Thumb.

Do you hear the sea in a seashell?
- the incessant waves,
- tides that come and go
- lilting laughter of children,
- frolic of picnickers on the beach, 
- songs of whales and dolphins,
- splash of flying fish and tortoise,
- growl of an angry sea,
- calm after the storm -    
Through the seashell to the cranium
to the heart and soul.
What is the secret of beauty? is often asked,
In contests, parlors, gyms, and the hall;
designed by entertainment and industry,
true beauty deep inside outshines all.   

Beauty sought after, elusive, never fulfilled;
Cosmetics superficial, affront to creation;
Beauty to one, not the same to another,
Yet common to all Nature's own version.~  

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