Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Admiring People - A Self-Analysis

Dedicated to the late Prof Rey Pedroche of St Paul QC, a model professor, media man, and friend.  
Practical Exercise on Admiring People 
"Tell me the people you admire and I'll tell you who you are." 

Dr Abe V Rotor
 Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan.sa Himpapawid (School on Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 KHz AM 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

More than the definition given by most dictionaries, there is something deeper when we admire somebody.  It is a way of saying thank you, in silent gratitude.  It is modeling a person whose character has influenced us.  It is bringing back values in deference to ethics and morals, through a person (e.g., Nelson Mandela as an epitome of leadership), or a thing (e.g., Statue of Liberty). Or a significant event like the end of the Cold War. 

Author joins senior faculty members of St Paul University during a retreat at Angels Hill, Tagaytay.  From left, Prof Rey Pedroche, Dr Sel Cabigan, the author, and Dr Manny Martinez.  Admiring people is categorized into four levels, namely: 
    • Admiring is emulating
    • Admiring is sharing,
    • Admiring is natural and spontaneous
    • Admiring is formative (it can be improved)
    ədˈmī(ə)r/ verb = regard (an object, quality, or person) with respect or warm approval. Example: "I admire your courage
    Synonyms:esteem, approve of, respect, think highly of, rate highly, hold in high regard, applaud, praise, commend, acclaim 
    In this exercise we will focus on admiring people. Admiring is perhaps the most positive expression a person can offer.  It may be as simple as a prayer, or candid as a citation. It is emulation; it is inspiration. We live with it everyday the whole of our rational life. When we admire, our thoughts turn positive, our pulse slows down, our face shines a smile that emanates from deep inside. Because admiration comes from the heart and soul. Which is its true proof and measure.

    Here is an exercise you can conduct in your class, among your peers, or in an outreach group in your community.  You can start at home. 


    With a piece of paper, ask your audience to write the names of ten persons (real), whom they most admire. This will take ten minutes.  Conduct the exercise in complete silence. Because it is an individual exercise conferring should be avoided. You may provide a suitable music background, such as Mozart music; it is therapeutic (Mozart Effect). It is conducive to reflection and analysis.  

    Stop reading this article and work on the exercise.

    Can you identify who these persons are? (Answer below) Bonus of one point each.  Add to your score.


    There are five levels to which you classify the people you listed.
    • great men and women, living and dead  - 5
    • successful persons in their respective fields  - 4
    • members of the family, other relatives - 3
    • friends and colleagues - 2 
    • personalities, characters, in the entertainment world - 1 
    Classify each person accordingly and give his or her due score. Get the total. 
    41 - 50   You are intelligent, idealistic, optimistic, success-conscious. Admiring is emulating
    31 - 40   You are also success-conscious, friendly, loving and lovable. Admiring is sharing,  
    21 - 30   You are OK; you belong to the 60 percent in a population. You can get well in life and with people. Admiring is spontaneous  
    20 and below You need to review what you admire in people, and what people admire in you.  Admiring is formative (it can be improved)  
    Among the most admired people of the world are Bill Gates (US, Microsoft Chairman), Vladimir Putin (Russia president), and Sachin Tendulkar (India, Cricket Player) Sample of a survey by YouGov from 14,000 people from 13 nations whom they looked up to most. Time January 10, 2014
    Nelson Mandela (top), Fr James Reuter SJ and Albert Einstein (left and right, respectively)

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