Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ten Postulates on the Ecology of Poverty

In observance of World Food Day October 16, 2015. Theme: “Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty”, and how this links with the UN theme for Expo 2015, “The Zero Hunger Challenge · United for a sustainable world”.
and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2015. Theme: Building a sustainable future: Coming together to end poverty and discrimination


Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog []
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid  738 DZRB AM with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday
 They have learned life early with a little of any thing,
yet 'round a bowl of rice fullest is their joy and hale;
wish there were seven loaves of bread and some fish
that once fed a multitude - and know the prayer as well,
that unlocks the power that no one shall miss a meal.

 A world of extremes - affluence and poverty - is evident in this photo 
by Chris Rusanowsky is a freelance from the US. (Internet)

1. Poverty makes one feel small, insignificant.  His perspective is today, now; his future is bleak.

2. Poverty fuels runaway population growth and exodus to the cities.

3. As cities grow, poverty problems increase: lack of water, sanitation, housing, many others, notwithstanding values.

4. Poverty's demographic profile is a young population which makes up a heavy socio-economic burden to society.  

5. Malnutrition associated with poverty exacts heavy cost to the quality of life, and productivity. 

6. Pollution as a result of both growing affluence and poverty degrades the environment and life itself.

7. Assault on the ecosystems as frontiers are pushed farther, result in irreversible decline in resources' productivity.

8.  The masses are apparently not getting the full benefits of education, research amd technology.

9.  Millions of farmers, fisherfolk and workers remain subsistent due to inequitable profit distribution. 

10. Industrialization which is not built on strong agricultural economy, continue to by-pass the small producers, entrepreneurs and the countryside.

Lesson followup: Discuss each postulate and cite examples occurring in your community. Provide photographs for your report and presentation.     

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