Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I love the hornbill (kalaw)

I Love the Hornbill (kalaw)
I love the hornbill for being the subject of art of the young, 
reborn in the heart of the new generation. - avr

Dr Abe V Rotor
 Hornbill by a stream (detail of a wall mural) by the author 2015

A pair of hornbill in pastel by Anna Christina Rotor

I love the hornbill for its colorful plumage, prominent in the distance, 
breaking the monotony of green foliage;

I love the hornbill for its huge bill from which it got its name - tough,
powerful, bright red with yellow and green;

I love the hornbill for its thunderous, resonating call, vibrating through 
the forest, echoing on cliffs and giant trees;

I love the hornbill for its gregarious nature, faithful to its family and clan, protective of its kind, and niche its home; 

I love the hornbill for being a guardian of the forest, sentinel at all times, 
and early rouser each day;

I love the hornbill for its presence - ultimate reference of an unspoiled  
landscape spared from human;

I love the hornbill for being the subject of art of the young, reborn
in the heart of the new generation. ~

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