Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ode to Creation

 Dr Abe V Rotor  
 Living with Nature - School on Blog 
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday
After a Heavy Rain in acrylic, AVR 2009
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Waterfall
Flow from the hills, follow the herons fly
Laugh with the brook, and feed my soul;
Fill the lake to mirror the land and sky
Before you burst, oh, waterfall!

2. Dragonfly
Over the fields across the river,
In hordes like armies you hover,
Swooping midges on the plain
Flushed out by coming rain;
Instinct I have yet to learn
Or simply refuse to discern.

3. Agoho trees
All around you grace the park,
Trimmed to fit a master’s art,
Dressed and shaped and tame;
Unlike in the wild, or some unknown part,
Where you don't crave for fame.

4. Cumulus Cloud
You grow into a Genie before you fall;
And I, a teacher, knowing it all;
Years and schooling makes me full,
But do I really know my goal?

5. Warbler
Perched on a branch you sing your song,
Crispy and clear as the light of dawn,
But trees are no longer enough -
Wouldn’t I wake up with a happy heart,
To plant a tree or two for your art?

6. Rain
Rain, rain, rain,
Pelting the faces of children
Washing their dirt and pain
In cadence and sweet refrain;
Let the rain fall, my brethren!


7. Cactus
You are a creature destined
To live best in the wild,
Where everything is so little,
Others barely thrive.

8. Red Fungus
You rise at the edge of decay,
To herald birth at life’s last bend;
Death, be not proud, you seem to say,
You’re but a process, not an end.~

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