Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A GREAT MAN according to Confucius

Evaluate yourself based on these 15 attributes.
Use the Likert Scale: 1 (poor), 2(fair or average), 3 (good), 4 (very good). Examine yourself and score each item accordingly.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

K'ung Fu-tze: Kung, the philosopher (551-478 BC)

1. Great Man's attitude toward the world is such that he shows no preferences; but he is prejudiced in favor of justice.

2. Great Man cherishes Excellence; Petty Man his own comfort.

3. Great man cherishes the rules and regulations; Petty Man, special favors.

4. Great Man is conscious only of justice; Petty Man, only of self-interest.

5. Great Man seeks to be slow of speech but quick of action.

6. Great Man is completely at ease; Petty Man is always on edge.

7. Great Man is dignified but not proud; Petty Man is proud but not dignified.

8. Great Man reaches complete understanding of the main issues; Petty Man reaches complete understanding of the minute details.

9. Great Man is sparing in words but prodigal in deeds.

10. Great Man complains about his own inabilities, not about people's ignorance of himself.

11. Great Man's concern is that he may die without a name.

12. Great Man does not accept a man for words alone; he does not reject a suggestion because of the man alone.

13. Great Man calculates in terms of System, not in terms of the earning of a living.

14. Great Man is concerned about System, not about poverty.

15. Great Man studies to improve his doctrine, just as artisans inhabit the market place to ply their trades.

Great Man has three facets. Looked at from a distance he seems stern; at close range he is pleasant; as we listen to his words they are clear-cut.

Divide total score by 15.
1 to 1.5 poor;
1.6 to 2.5 average;
2.6 to 3.5 good (You have the potential to be Great.); and
3.6 to 4 very good (You are indeed Great!)

Acknowledgment: Chinese Proverbs: Words of Wisdom from the Immortal Sages of China, compiled and edited by Kho W and D Kho

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