Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Proper Maintenance of Books - 12 Ways

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio

738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class Mon to Fri

Books will always be a part of our lives and culture, even if we claim to be living in the electronic age.  We still uphold publication in print - hard copy.  In fact books will survive the electronics, they are indelible and will continue as living proof of history. Learned men and women will always cherish them in their study and lrisure.    

1. Keep books in enclosed shelves, arranged according to topic.

2. Be sure the title and author can be read easily.

3. Don't stack books too tight or loose.

4. Avoid making "dog ears"; use markers instead.  

5. Eating while reading predispose books to pest like cockroaches anmd rodents.

6. Keep books always free of dusts.  Wipe with dry cloth, vacuum regularly.

7. Return books to their proper places after use.

8. Don't expose books to direct sunlight and high humidity.

9. Refrain from lending books, unless its your job to do so.

10. When photocopying be careful not to damage the pages, or strain the book's binding.

11. Don't dispose old books; they can be made part of your collection, and archives.

12. Maximize the use of your books before they become outdated. 

NOTE: There are people who are allergic to books, physically that is. Free your bedroom from books.  Be sure your study room has a good ventilation.    

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