Sunday, February 15, 2015

Take the plunge

Photos by Marlo R Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio

738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class Monday to Friday

Amadeo Waterfalls, Amadeo, Cavite 2010

Marlo stayed behind with his camera. He took these shots while the group I was leading proceeded downstream to look for insect specimens. It was a class in entomology attended by graduate students in biology from UST.

Two worlds apart - the grownups and urchins. I talked about science, Marlo just recorded the past - happy childhood. Between the two is a yawning gap, and yet all of us passes through it. And will never be able to come back, except in memories.

The plunge is joy enshrined in archetypes that now and then surface through association with the things that characterize the lives of grownups.

Take the insects, the concern of scholarship. The very thing that comes from the specimen is the past.  When was the last time we listened to the song of the cicada and the cricket? When was the last time a beautiful butterfly surprisingly came to rest on our shoulder or head? Honeybees came whispering which we perceived as annoyance? A hantik ant biting us intruders into its nest?

When was the last time we bathed in a river? Waded in the stream? Braved thunder and lightning in a downpour?

As the river flows to the sea, as insects turn from toys to scientific specimens, we take the plunge into adventure – the spice of life.

Wherever, whatever, whenever let’s take the plunge.~

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