Saturday, January 17, 2015

Watchtower Memorial mural

Dr Abe V Rotor

Marauders from southern Philippines riding on swift gaily vintas were a constant threat in Spanish settlements in Luzon during the 400-year of Spanish regime. Here a watchtower is overrun by the invaders. Ruins of watchtowers are found as far as the Ilocos Region, more than a thousand kilometers from Muslim Mindanao. 
Plaza stage mural, San Juan, La Union(Photo April 3, 2009)

Watchtower Memorial

Here's an artisan's masterpiece,
     living drama of heroes of old,
relived each passing day in peace
     of a legacy seldom told.

Look again, the painting's telling us,
     the past reminds us forever
of an enemy that is none but us -
     brothers pitted against one another.

Tongue and culture make no difference,
     so with the color of skin and soul,
one nation, one people in convergence,
     into a beautiful world of all. ~

Light from the Old Arch, AVR

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