Sunday, December 28, 2014

Photography: Tracking a Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009 10 to 11 AM
Photographs by Abe V Rotor and Marlo R Rotor

It is a cloudy day at Lagro, not far from La Mesa Eco Park.
It's not going to be an easy 
task. It threatens to rain.

Then the sun peeps through. What a sight. We anticipate the
moon to block the sun 
(partial eclipse in the Philippines, and
full in 
New Delhi, India).

The clouds clear after a heavy overcast which
lasted half an hour. The eclipse is advancing.

Use a tripod. The hand shakes at slow shutter speed.
Adjust to the highest ASA or DIN (sensitivity of the camera).
We use a digital SLR camera with a telephoto lens mounted
on a tripod.

Focusing is important, otherwise this is the photo you get. 
Adjust to smallest aperture, and infinity distance.

This photo is clear. We are using heavy filters designed to eliminate sun glare.

The filter used here does not alter the color of the sun.

Green filter is cool; it lends a special effect to an otherwise "hot subject".

Eclipse is associated with superstition. Can you name some local superstitious beliefs?
Cite historical and religious events influenced by eclipse. When will be the next solar eclipse? Specify location (latitude and longitude) and trace the path of the eclipse's shadow. Does solar eclipse occur as frequent as lunar eclipse?

Living with Nature, Volume 3. All Rights Reserved.

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