Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Review Questions for Natural Science

Dr Abe V Rotor
  1. Differentiate the following:
·         Paedogenesis from Parthenogenesis      
·         Aestivation from Hibernation
          ·         Colony of termites from  swarm of locusts                                                         
·         Holometabola from Hemimetabola         
·         Most primitive from most advanced Order of insects

  1.  What are the 12 most important orders of insects?  Briefly explain each and cite 2 examples under each in common and scientific names. 
  1. Present a scenario (bullet outline) if all insects in the world were eliminated.
 4. What are the adaptive qualities nature gave to insects and their kin that enabled them to survive  evolution, and in fact, dominate the world of animals today?  .

  1. Why is Bt corn controversial? Will Bt corn remain resistant against its pests? For how long? Is this true in other GMOs?  Support you answer.   
6. Arthropods dominate the animal kingdom in diversity and number.
·         What are the common characteristics of Arthropods?
·         How are Arthropods classified?  Describe each class, and cite common examples.

  1. Explain the role of insects in the spread of diseases in humans, animals and plants. Cite specific examples to show the disease cycle of  each case. Show how the particular disease is controlled.   
      8. What are the components of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? Briefly explain each, and               cite specific practices under each component. .

      9. If you were to teach Entomology in college, or write a functional manual for the subject, how
          would you present its syllabus, or table of contents? (Outline only)  

     10. Many insects are called “living fossils?”  What other organisms other than arthropods
          demonstrate this phenomenon?  What enabled these organisms to defy the conventional
          rules of evolution? 

 11. Present ten (10) scenarios created by Global Warming. By the way, what are the underlying causes of this phenomenon?

12. Practically all countries have embarked into the development of alternative energy sources. For what reasons?  Present your own plan for the Philippines.

13. Pandemic diseases threaten the world.  The newest is Ebola. Cite the ones on a historical perspective, briefly describe each. Can you relate these to the biblical plagues?    
14. What is the paradigm of good moral life on the ecological perspective? How do you relate this with our lessons?  Is it compatible with the other paradigms? (Blog reference:
Paradigms of Good Moral Life)

15. How do you relate autotoxicity of yeast in fermentation with humankind’s possible extinction? (Blog reference: Are we in our sunset as a species?)

16. What are the three scientific breakthroughs?  What are their applications? (Blog Reference: A search for meaning in a highly scientific and technological world)

17. Briefly explain each of the following terms in the context of ecology.
A. Endangered species              F. Homeostasis
B. Threatened species               G. Human Genome Project     
C. Spontaneous generation       H. Disconnection syndrome
D. Genetic Engineering              I. Cloning
E. Biological Specialization        J. “Frankenfood”

18. Who are considered “heroes of the environment?” Name five and cite their contribution.

19. Present an outline of environmental science taught as a college subject, or as a functional manual. Be original and practical.  (Outline only)

20. What are the components of an ecosystem? Cite five major ecosystems in the Philippines.  Briefly describe each.
21. What are the drawbacks of each of the four “green revolutions”, starting with the domestication of plants and animals?  Do these negative consequences outweigh the benefits derived?  Is the Malthusian syndrome still relevant today? 

22. How can we solve the present shortage of rice? What are substitutes of rice?

23. Explain People’s Biotechnology, cite examples.

24. What crops have been genetically modified which are now openly marketed, either in their original form or in the form of manufactured products? Are Filipinos eating GMOs without their consent or prior knowledge? Support your answer.

25. There is now a new kind of pollution – “genetic pollution.”  Explain the mechanism by which a genetic pollutant is produced and spread.  How can we eradicate this  pollutant?

26. List down ways of reducing food wastage on the field, post harvest operation, household, and commerce and industry. In what ways can you contribute to the campaign on reducing food wastage?

27. Name five Families of plants that are of greatest importance to mankind. Cite two important members under each in their common and scientific names. What family this is the foundation of any civilization, past and present.

28. What are the practical applications of Economic Botany in your own personal capacity? Design an outline or framework of activities.
- Academe and Extension (or outreach)
- Research and publication

29. These are practical tips you can apply in your home and community.
- Hasten the ripening of fruits
- Control of fruit fly on ampalaya and mango
- Use rice hull (ipa)
- Fruits in peak season

30. Briefly explain the relationship of the following:
- Flowering of bamboo and climate
- Strangler’s fig and host tree
- Rhizobium and Legume

Discuss the topic/s you listened on Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air, 738 DZRB 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday), that are relevant to this subject or your course. What Blog titles about the subject have you opened and read? []

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