Monday, November 17, 2014

"Send Ceres with a golden wand."

Make our island the golden Greece with the deities,
        Your kind in this lovely island;
Guardians of the hills, rivers and seas, fields and trees.
       Or just send Ceres with a golden wand. 

Dr Abe V Rotor

Flying 30,000 ft above the clouds

Catanduanes landscape unveils
Shoreline along a forested mountain
Chocolate hills of Catanduanes
Typical farmland

Daedalus, would you come over? Icarus your son
     Is gone, 
you need a home now, a homestead.

The Labyrinth you made is no longer in your hand,
     And your fearful king too, is dead.

Here you live in peace, myth is no myth. It's real.
     People are not soldiers or slaves
They are free, and living is an art. It is not surreal.
     Living a culture Nature enclaves.

And mighty Thor, would you send the friendly bolt?
     Pierce the cloud and send the rain.
Fix the air in divine alchemy to nourish the land,

     Send the breeze in melodious strain.

But don't send the tempest from the Eastern sea.
     We have enough in monsoon,
And learned to live strong in prayer and piety,
     With our young growing up too soon.

Make our island the golden Greece with our deities,
     Your kind in this lovely island;
Guardians of the hills, rivers and seas, fields and trees.
     Or just send Ceres with a golden wand. 

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