Thursday, October 30, 2014

Humor - Key to Long and Happy Life

Humor - Key to Long and Happy Life
Researched by Dr Abe V Rotor

1. A fellow in a lunatic asylum sat fishing over a flower bed.  A visiting doctor, wishing to be friendly asked.
"How many have you caught?"
Answered the not-so-dumb fisherman, "You are the ninth."

2. Here's a story about smart kids. "I wonder why people say Amen and not Awomen?" Bobby questioned. His little friend replied, "Because they sing hymns and not hers, silly."

3. Here's a story for the political candidate for the coming election. Voter: "Why, I wouldn't vote for you if you were Saint Peter himself." Candidate: 'if I were Saint Peter, you couldn't vote for me - you wouldn't be in my district."

4. Motorist: "Your honor, I was not drunk.  I was only drinking." 

Judge: "Well, in that case I an not going to send you to jail for one month - only for 30 days." 

5. Neighbors
"Good morning, madam. I'm the piano-tuner."
"But I didn't send for a piano-tuner."
"I know, It was a committee of your neighbors that called up."~ 

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