Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Plague

 The Plague is a scenario of a dying Earth. What can we do to prevent it?
Miss Rochelle N. Alforja
AB Mass Communication and Journalism '98

Living with Nature School on BlogPaaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

Sand table depicting a dying Earth at the former St Paul Museum QC 

It was supposed to be a cycle, a roundabout wherein one branch was to benefit from the other. From the Supreme Being came the gift of creation and the division of talents among the races. And then, came the innovation made by a man to benefit their kind and other living things. But along with the advancement of technology and the ultimate use of what nature provided us were their waste product.
The earth’s pristine forest and the living inhabitants that adorn the surroundings would never have crossed our minds to even translate its part into huge dumpsites. Garbage disposal has posed as a massive and disturbing problem since the sites are almost all filled up and has caused so much pollution to the nearby towns where the dumpsites are located.

It is surprising how much things can change in just a short span of time. In the most recent years, the rivers have bluntly been marred: its natural hues have transformed into a thick, black pigment synonymous to that of an oil spill which was pervaded throughout the seas, and sadly, these are all because of the careless discard of waste product. The chemicals emitted by industrial factories go straight to the waterways, directly affecting the condition of the water and the species inhabiting their particular niche. Shanties which are erected next to the creeks or rivers disposed their garbage in the closest, most convenient place - the water. In a much wider scope, the waterways are continuous which means that one polluted water body will flow on the next path, and it may influence or eventually affect the water contained in another area.

Various insects swarm over the rubbish. These insects fly and prey from one object to another, and they cause diseases that may severely affect our health. Facilitation of the chemical repellents contain strong components which, when infused into our system, may or will cause diseases.

Fortunately, the elders of the nations around the world have finally been roused by the peril that the ecological imbalance may induce in the coming years if they continue to neglect the waning condition of the mother earth. We, as peoples, of this earth have an austere responsibility to confront the current detriments that pang our niche.

Whatever we give out, it comes back to us in a hundred or ten folds. Waste segregation, if sternly followed will benefit not only us, the human race, but mother earth as well, since some matters or wastes may be used to enrich the soils that hold the sturdiest of trees, and the most beautiful of the greens. Segregation will also ease the efforts of recycling, since everything will be put to its proper places. ~

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