Sunday, August 31, 2014

Story of the Life of Lam-ang (Biag ni Lam-ang) with English Translation

Stanzas 1 to 27 of 305 stanzas) - The Birth of Lam-ang
Leopoldo Y Yabes Version 
Philippine Social Science and Humanities Review Volume XXXVIII Numbers 3-4
Published by the University of the Philippines 

Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio 
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

This composite version of Lam-ang, with translation in English prose is the third printing. The composite version without the English translation was also published in The Ilocos Times in 1935, in the INA magazine in 1947, and in Bannawag in 1971. 

O naslag a Dios Espiritu Santo
silawam Apo toy panunotco 
tapno mapudnuac ti panangipalawagco
ti pacasitaan ti maysa a tao.

O God, the Holy Spirit, 

illumine Lord, my thought, so I 
can relate faithfully the account 
of the life of a man.


Idi pannawen nga unana 
adda dua nga agasawa
a nabiit pay ti panangawatda
ti matrimono a nagina.

In the old, old days there were 

a couple who had just been
united in holy wedlock. 


Iti pannagna ti aldaw
di nabayag daytoy babain naginaw,
ta nadanunen ti panagbungan
daydi sacramentto nga inawatdan. 

As the days rolled by, 

the wife conceived the child which
was the fruit of the sacrament 
they had received.


Nadumaduma a bungbungan
ti inna dita masarsaramsam:
salamagi a marabanban,
pias ken daligan.

She ate a variety of fruits

like green tamarind,
pias  and daligan 

Niog pay a lolocoten,
bayabas a pariggalsem,
sua ken lolokisen
ket dagitoy met ti inna sidaen:

Young coconut fruits, guavas

about to ripen, oranges, and 
lolokisen and for meals 
she ate these.


Panapana ken maratangtang,
ar-arosip ken aragan,
tirem a tinoctocan,
pasayam a kinalapan;

and maritangtang 
ar-arosip and aragantirem 
and shrimps.


Pingpinggan ken im-immoco,
loslosi ken pocpoclo,
leddangan pay ken soso
ta isu dagitoy ti inna cagusto.

Pingpinggan and im-immoco,

loslosi and pocpoclo
leddangan and soso - these
she liked much to eat.


Idinto ta magtengna
ti pito a bulan daydi sicogna,
napalalo ti ay-ayatda
ta adanin (dandanin)
ti panagpasngayna.

When she reached the seventh 

month of her pregnancy, she
and her husband were filled
with joy at the proximity of
her confinement. 


Ket idinto as castan,
daytoy babain Namongan 
inna dita napanunotan 
ti aramidenda a balitang.

Namongan thought of 

preparing a balitang for her


Kinonana dita nga insawang,
"Ay asawac a Don Juan,
itay aramiden a balitang.

She told her husband, "Ay, 

my husband Don Juan, kindly 
go and cut bamboos for my 


"Inca cuma imatangan ti 
immulata a cawayan
idiay bantay capareian
ket inca cuma pucanan. 

"Go and see the bamboos 

we planted on Mount Caparian 
and cut down some.


"Rebbengna unayen ita 
ti inta panagsagana
cadagiti maicanada
nga aruaten no sumngay 
toy bunga,

"It is necessary that we now 

prepare all things needed for 
the coming of our child.


"Tapno ditanto mabiglaan
no madanon ti iruruarnan,
adda met saganan a balitang 
a rumbeng a paggiddaan.

"So that we shall not be 

found unprepared when the 
day comes.  The balitang then 
will be ready for me to lie on."


Nagrubbuat met a napan
ti asawana a Don Juan;
ket idinto a nagtengannan
linicmotna di cawayan.

Her husband Don Juan therefore

started out; and when he 
reached the clump of bamboos
he went around it once.


Sana met pinayapayan
di angin nga inna ragutan,
tudo pay a bumayangbang 
ulep arig a teppang.

He then commanded the 

wind to blow.  The rain fell in ]
torrents.  The clouds were like 
unto a deep abyss - so black
were they. 


Kimat ken sal-it agcacamacam 
sinirocda di cawayan;
casla narabaraban
a buoc di cawayan.

Lightning and thunder in 

quick succession attacked the 
clump of bamboos and trimmed
it like hair. 


"Ay, naalas, kababainman
no awitenca a cawayan -
immuna daytoy cawayan
ket simmaruno ni Don Juan.

"Ay," Don Juan said, "it 

would be shameful on my part 
should I carry you, bamboos."
The bamboos therefore went 
before and Don Juan followed 


Idinto nga inna magtengan
di balay nga inulogan,
nagguornos dagitaoy cawayan
iti arpad di arubayan. 

When he reached home, the 

bamboos arranged themselves 
in the houseyard. 


Ket kinona ni babain Namongan, 
"Ay, asawac a Don Juan,
dayta man tongo ti agdalagan 
a sagat ken gasatan.

And Namogan said, "My

husband Don Juan, I need
firewood such as molave and 
gasatan for my lying-in,


"Dangla ken bayabas nga inukisan,
ket inca met cuma gumatang
itay dongdong ken dalican
ta isu ti pagdalangan.

"And also dangla and guava 

stripped of its bark.  Also 
you go and buy a jar and a 
stove on which to warm myself.

"Ti digusco nga agdalagan
ken banga to maymaysan
tapno adda pangiccan
ti cacadua ti anactan" 

"Also prepare water for my
bath and a one-man pot so that 
we shall have something to keep 
the cadcaddua of our child in."

Ket idi napaaddana amin dagitan
isu met to ipapanawnan ni Don Juan
a simmuroing ti cawayan
napan idiay bantay cangisitan;

When he had all these things
prepared, Don Juan set out for 
the blackest mountain by way 
of the river.

Ta mapan makidangadang
cadagiti Igorot a burican.
Isu metten a pasngayan ni Namongan
daydi nabukelda a daran.

To engage the checkered 
Igorots in a fight.  
In the meantime Namongan 
lay in confinement 

Awan ti dida maayaban
a mangilut a parteran,
ni lacay Marcos a batucan,
ni Alisot ken Pasho a mayaman. 

All available midwives were
called to assist in the delivery
including Old Marcos, the diver, 
Alisot, and Pasho, the rich man.

Ket awan lat' nacapaltot gayam.
Addaman nalagipdan
daydi baket nga ar-arucutan
nga awan pigsat' ramramaynan.

But all their effort to a successful
delivery availed not.
And they thought of an old woman, 
shorn of almost all her strength.

Ket idinto ta mapaltotnan
ni inan babai Namongan,
maysa a lalaki ti rimmuar;
ket agsao met daytoy ubiung itan.

And she succeeded in helping
Namongan to a successful
issue.  The new-born was a boy
who had already the gift of speech.

"Ay ina ngamin Namongan,
no innacto pabuniagan
tinto Lam-ang caniac maipanagan
ket ti manganac ni lakay Gibuan."

"Ay, mother Namongan, 
when you have me baptized,
baptize me with the name
Lam-ang and my god-father.
shall be the old man Gibuan."


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