Saturday, June 28, 2014

Morning in the Forest

Painting and Verse by Dr Abe V Rotor

On-the-spot painting in acrylic. Courtesy of Dr Romualdo M del Rosario.
La Union Botanical Garden, Cadaclan, San Fernando LU, 2000 AVR

Weaned from his cradle, his forebears' bastion,
Ventured he 
on the plains yearning to be free;
And up the road to civilization - 
Now Homo sapiens, ruled the plain and sea. 

This self anointed king and conqueror, 
Built temples, worshiped the Golden Calf; 
Raped the land, sowed poison and terror, 
Then sought divine grace on his behalf. 

At the edge of the forest, there's new dawn, 
Remnant of his abode long forlorn;
The survivor of the Armageddon 
Comes home - the Prodigal Son reborn. ~

Morning in the Forest, AVR 2010

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