Friday, May 2, 2014

UST GS: Course Syllabus Entomology Outline

 University of Santo Tomas Graduate School
Professor: Dr. A.V. Rotor

1.    Insects – an introduction and review
2.    Beneficial Insects – pollination, valuable products
3.    Destructive Insects – cursory review
4.    Arthropods: commonalities and diversity
5.    Morphology, Anatomy and Physiology – insect resistance and adaptation

6.    Insect Behavior - gregariousness and aggregation                                Firefly
7.    Classification of Insects - identification and taxonomy, evolution
8.    Development and Metamorphosis – life cycles and occurrences
9.    IPM - Integrated Pest Management 
10. Chemical Control - pesticides and application

11. Insect Pest of Field and Garden Crops – agricultural entomology
12. Household and Stored Products Pest – postharvest and granary insects
13. Insects Injurious to Animals – domestic and wildlife
14. Medical Entomology – disease carriers and control
15. Insects and Ecology – role of insects in the environment

16. What’s new in Entomology? Keeping abreast with research.
17. Folklores and beliefs, fables, insect pets and games
18. Insects and Exobiology – Insects in extreme environments, space biology
19. The Humanities and Insects – Role of insects in the different fields of arts.
20. Insects in Postmodern Era – changing concepts, views, outlook

Borror DJ, DeLong  DM and CA Triplehorn (1995) Study of Insects 4th Ed Holt, Rinehart, 832 pp
Calilung VCJ (1994) Manual for General Botany UPLB197 pp
Catan, G and N Catan – Urban Pests and Their Control, 284 pp
IRRI  (1985) Integrated Pest Management Illustrated
Elsinga A (1988) Fundamentals of Entomology McGraw Hill
Linmsenmaier W (1992) Insects of the World Rev Ed McGraw Hill 393 pp
O’Toole C (1986) The Encyclopedia of Insects Facts on File Publication NY 145 pp
McGavin GC (2004) Insects and Spiders Pocket Nature DK Publication London 224 pp
Metcalf CL, Flint W and RL Metcalf (1990) Destructive & Useful Insects 4th Ed, McGraw-Hill 1087 pp
Rotor AV (1989) Economic Entomology Manual De La Salle U (Araneta)  200 pp
Rotor AV (2003, 2007) Living with Nature Vol 1 and 2, UST Publishing House (30 chapters and
      35 chapters, respectively) - 158k - 7k- - 15k - 4k – - 61k - - 13k - - 6k - - 8k

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