Sunday, April 13, 2014

UST GS Syllabus for Entomology

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog 
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio

738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday      




Course Title:


School Year:

Course No.

Bio 741

No. of Units



Course Facilitator:

Prof. Abercio V. Rotor, Ph.D.
MF 8-12 a.m.

UST Graduate School
Meeting Place:
Rm 303
Contact No.

Consultation Period:
MF 1 pm
Consultation Room

Course description (Biol. 460)
Entomology is an introduction to insects and their allies.  Topics include morphological and anatomical adaptations, evolution, classification, identification, ecology, social applications, epidemiology and medical applications.  Laboratory and field activities include sampling, specimen preparation, identification and taxonomical investigations. 


Major Competencies

With reference to the course objectives -skills, and knowledge and understanding – the students shall be able to demonstrate multi-dimensional and multi-level understanding of the subject in relation to other fields, such as ecology, economics, medicine, etc., thus to be capable in relating the same to policies, issues and concerns on a holistic, interdisciplinary and  comparative perspective.


Course objectives (Skills):
·        Identify terrestrial arthropods to Class by visual inspection.
·        Identify insects to Order by inspection, and identify common forms to Family.
·        Be able to identify insects by use of standard taxonomic keys.
·        Apply field-sampling techniques and carry out routine insect surveys.
·        Collect, process, and prepare insect specimens for scientific study.
·        Make a study collection of insects to learn investigative techniques and identification skills.
·        Preparation of pest control plan and actual pest control methods that are practical under local conditions.
Course objectives (knowledge and understanding):
  • Understand insect adaptation and evolutionary processes.
  • Learn the basic external morphology of insects and how it is used in classification.
  • Learn the basic internal anatomy of insects, and how it is adaptive.
  • Describe the life cycles of important insect groups.
  • Understand commonly accepted phylogenetic models for arthropods
  • Understand how insects adapt behaviorally and ecologically.
  • Understand how insects affect humans medically, economically and socially.  

Value Objectives
  • Acquire skills and discipline of scientific research, which principally aims at objectivity, precision, and thoroughness. 
  • Understand the need for good management practices of the environment when it comes to pest control, specifically Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Adoption of programs in the control of pest that are not only effective but safe to human and the ecosystems.
  • Develop the sense of reverence for life, respecting al living things to have a role that is indispensable in the ecosystem and the biosphere as a whole.





The course is divided into eight units. On the average there will be two meetings per unit. 


Unit 1 – Orientation, Role of Insects Useful and destructive insects


  • Value of insects to man
  • Insects as enemies of man
  • Pollination-fertilization role of plants
  • Food chain, food wed and food pyramid
  • Food insects
  • History, culture, superstition, myths about insects
  • Insects and art 

Unit 2 – Identification, Systematics and Taxonomy 

·         Phylum Hexapoda and Classes

·         Major Orders of insects 

  • Dichotomous Key in identification and classification
  • Common examples of insects 


Unit 3 – External and Internal Anatomy

·         The exoskeleton

·         Three body segment architecture

  • External basis in classification & identification
  • Organ and organ-systems
  • Special structures (Types of legs, antennae, wings)


Unit 4 –Insect Physiology, Growth & Development, Behavior, Adaptation and Evolution

  • Metamorphosis of insects
  • Molting and instars
  • Susceptibility, resistance and immunity
  • Genetics and evolution
  • Primitive insects and living fossils
  • Social insects: ants bees and termites
  • Colony, swarming, and migration
  • Parasitism and predatism


Unit 5 – Agricultural and Medical Entomology


·         Ethno-entomology: insects as remedy for common ailments

·         Medicinal insects and source of drugs

·         Domestic pests and control

  • Disease control and insects
  • Insect pests of domestic pets and farm animals
  • Insect vectors and disease carriers
  • Household pest management
  • Pesticide-free food 


Unit 6 – Insect Ecology


  • Insect distribution (geo-entomology)
  • Seasonality and epidemic buildup
  • El Niño phenomenon and infestation
  • Host specificity and range
  • Contribution of insects to the environment
  • Co-evolution of among insects, other animals, and with plants  


Unit 7 – Insects Pests and Control

  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Agricultural pests
  • Household pests
  • Biological control of pest
  • Genetic pest control
  • Cultural pest control
  • Chemical control: toxicity classification
  • Botanical pesticides
  • Modern control methods: radiation, genetic engineering, etc


Unit 8 - Policies, Current Issues on Insect Control


  • Role and function of  Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
  • Laws and regulations on pesticides
  • Safety and Precaution in the use of Pesticides
  • Protecting human health, wildlife and environment
  • Sanitation and waste disposal

Professor’s Input

 Enabling Activities

 Interactive, cooperative and collaborative


Integrating activities

  • Lecture: classroom and field
  • PowerPoint presentation, OHP presentation
  • Blog posted lessons on the Internet
  • Case studies: presentation and analysis
  • Demonstration: classroom, laboratory and field  
  • Policy analysis
  • Watching and critiquing selected programs on Animal Planet, Discovery Channel and National Geographic  
  • Group dynamics
  • Field trip
  • Field lecture and demonstration
  • Situation analysis
  • Group discussion on case studies, films and documentaries

  • Midterm exam and final exam
  • Specimen collection, preservation: submission and exhibit
  • Field trip paper

Course Policies

 Course Requirements
& Computation of Grades

1. The UST Graduate School provides policies, rules and regulations, which the professor shall strictly implemented, unless otherwise amended within the semester. Among others, these are 
  • Punctuality and attendance
  • Minimum number of students per class, maximum absences, examination permit, dropping of subjects
  • Requirements in conducting for the following field trips, use of Multimedia, rooms, etc 
2. The professor should catalyze the following in relation with the UST GS thrusts and objectives:
  • intellectual growth
  • professionalism and social concern 
  • values and values formation
  • environmental consciousness

 Participation 15% (Individual 10%, and group 5%)
 Field Work and specimen collection 20 %
 Examination Midterm 25%
                      Finals 40%
 Total  100%

Insect Collection:

Each student will collect insect specimens, preserve and mount them properly. A completed insect collection will be submitted near the end of the semester or summer for a grade to the USTGraduate School laboratory.

Students shall provide the following: laboratory gown, an insect net, tools and materials for collecting, preserving and exhibiting insect specimens.

A digital camera cum software (Photoshop) is required. Collections shall be submitted for grading and shall become part of the UST GS insect collection.

There will be at least one homework/discussion/report assignments per session over the semester/summer via on-line [].  Of these, a maximum of 100 points can count toward the final grade. All assignments must be submitted as specified.

 Field Trip
Other than campus field study, there will be one field trip to augment classroom instruction, and reinforce hands-on and on-site learning.  There are two places to choose from:
·         UPLB, principally the Museum on Natural History, Mt Makiling Botanical Garden and IRRI; and
·         Central Luzon State University complex which include National Post harvest, and Philrice, all in MuñozNE.   Institute  for Research and Extension; and the National Food Authority Complex at Cabanatuan City

 Two-headed butterfly; sulfur butterfly 

Basic and Extended Readings


  • Borror, D.J., C. A. Triplehorn, and N. F. Johnson.  1992.  An Introduction to the study of insects. Sixth ed. Saunders College Publishing.
  • Calilung VCJ (1994) Manual for General Entomology
  • Metcalf CL, Flint WP and RL Metcalf (1990) Destructive and Useful Insects 4th Ed McGraw Hill 1087 pp
  • Bland, R. G. and H. E. Jaques. How to know the insects.  Wm C. Brown.
  • Elzinga, R. J. Fundamentals of Entomology.  Prentice Hall
  • Powell, J. A. and C. L. Hogue.  Insects.  Nature Publication  
  • Rotor, AV (1990) Manual in Economic Botany (revised)
  • Rotor AV 2007 Living with Nature in Our Times, 1 & 2, UST Publishing House
  • Williams, S. C. 2001.  General Entomology – a course reader and laboratory manual. 
Recommended References.
·         Gullen JP and PS Cranston -The Insects:  An Outline of Entomology.   2004.  3nd edition Blackwell Science Ltd.
·         Linsenmeir W (1992) Insects of the World Rev Ed McGraw Hill 393 pp    
·         McGain GC (2004) Insects and Spiders Pocketbook Nature DK Publication London 224 pp   

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