Saturday, April 19, 2014

10 Verses: A Touch of Healing

Dr. Abe V. Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM, 8-9 evening class Monday to Friday

 Children flying kites on the beach 

1. Archetypes feed the memory
As the past is here to stay.
We see the child of yesterday
Through a window today.

2. A vessel holds water to the brim,
Unless it bears a crack at its rim;
As men wish power in their dream
Even if they have lost their steam.

3. Ah, Homer’s epic is true after all,
And Shakespeare recreated an empire;
If Swift made man either short or tall,
Balagtas tamed a lion on fire.

4. And miles to go before I sleep,
But the lanes are closed to the traffic;
I’d rather, into a trance, slip
Or return to a deep, deep sleep.

5. All you give your cow and sheep
Is a spacious meadow,
Away from your watch and shadow;
Content are they, so with your sleep.

6. A tenth of our brain is all we use
In a lifetime – the rest we save;
Yet spurs us to reach the stars,
Or drives us fast to our grave.

7. As we undervalue ourselves,
So do others undervalue us.
Lo, to us little brothers,
clinging to our past. 

8. Ask Ceres or the mightiest God of all -
If Nature keeps herself better if we depart.
With her housekeeping and her art -
Was Paradise redeemed after the Fall?

9. Being poor is a butt of joke often.
Says the fiddler when a poor man eats chicken,
Either he is sick or he lost in the cockpit.

10. Beauty builds upon beauty,

Ad infinitum to eternity.

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