Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lawin (Philippine Hawk) is alive on a backboard

Lawin (Philippine Hawk)  is alive on a backboard 

                                                 Dr Abe V Rotor
Lawin (Philippine Hawk} in acrylic on basketball backboard (48" x 36"). 

I captured in painting this raptor on a backboard,
his wings spread and poised to play the game
with the kids, symbol of reverence for life,
and love for all creation, the principal aim.

I hear the kids amiably talking to the bird
in a language they understand each other;
the bird is orphan no more in their game
with every score in his favor and honor.~

Note: Now and then, a couple or a family of lawin, hovers over Lagro to the delight of its residents to watch this endangered species in full view.  The habitat of lawin is the watershed of the La Mesa reservoir adjacent to the subdivision. It is to this bird that the emblem of a neighborhood basketball team is adapted, thus creating awareness of the bird's present condition and importance. 

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